Imagination Trumps Knowledge!

Bachelor Thesis | Unity | VR | C#Promotional Interactive XR Experience at the FHNW Campus Brugg
An interactive virtual reality experience to promote technology study courses at the FHNW campus in Brugg. In this bachelor project, a prototype for an engaging and memorable VR experience was created. The goal of this experience was to leave an impression of the FHNW campus, arouse interest in the FHNW School of Engineering's study courses and therefore attract new students.

Kotlin | Jetpack ComposeFreezer Music Player
A feature-rich music player app using Jetpack Compose, Kotlin and Deezer API. It shows songs, albums, artists and raidio stations and offers basic functionality of a music player like start, pause, stop, skip and like.

Kotlin | Jetpack ComposeTO-DO Planner
TO-DO Planner is a feature-rich local app to manage todo's by projects and modules and display them in a custom weekly calender. The app is built using Jetpack Compose and Kotlin.

IP5 | Unity | VR | AR | C#VR-labs on smart devices for education
An augmented reality (AR) extension for the 'Virtual Physics Laboratory' (VRLab), developed in both current and prior projects, has been successfully implemented for mobile platforms. In this enhanced framework, a solitary user equipped with a virtual reality (VR) headset can conduct experiments, while multiple additional users can seamlessly participate through mobile AR on Android devices. This innovative AR extension facilitates user engagement, observation, and interaction with the VR environment using their respective mobile phones, thereby mitigating the reliance on costly VR headsets.

IP3/4 | Flutter | DartBetter Gardens - Revolutionize the use of private gardens for biodiversity
a mobile app with the aim of connecting gardeners, biodiversity enthusiasts and the government and allowing cooperative work. The main benef its of the app will be providing information about various species, habitat elements and the interaction of those to support the knowledge of our community. Finally, users can register habitat elements, create linking projects to support certain species and see what others are contributing to biodiversity.

JS | Groovy | Gradle | WebMVCGet Active Together
The idea is to create an app which encourages people to get outside and do sports. The app contains a List of predefined locations, where people can sign in to meet up to do sports together. Each location contains different timeslots, for example people can meet up at 12 am or at 8 pm, with all signed users at these times shown. The app should feature different activities like jogging, walking, cycling, mountain bike. The locations are activity specific.

Flutter | DartNativeTraining - Coming Soon
NativeTraining is a local one-user application using the Flutter framework. It allows to create, edit, delete and show custom excercises and workouts and uses Firebase to store the useraccount and the exercises and workout routines.